Hi Bruno, > cry for forgotten times when you could simply download a piece of > software to try it out I agree that it is unfortunate that the MiG Layout site does not provide direct download links. > i wanted to download [MiG Layout 4.2] to play with it If your project is not Maven-based, you can download the JARs directly from the Maven central repository: 1) Go to http://search.maven.org/ and type in "miglayout". 2) Download the "jar" link for "miglayout-swing" and "miglayout-core", version 4.2 of each. Now you have your JARs. (Looking at the "pom" link for each of these, you can verify they have no other dependencies.) Alternately, if your project *is* Maven-based, just add the following dependency block to your POM: com.miglayout miglayout-swing 4.2 Then when you build your project by typing "mvn package", Maven will take care of the rest. (I.e., in that case, no need to explicitly download any JARs.) HTH, Curtis